Olive Oil Mayonnaise

Growing up, homemade Mayonnaise was a staple in my home. This recipe uses Olive Oil instead of the classic vegetable or canola oil, making this mayonnaise a healthier option for  dressing salads and as a dipping sauce.

1  Whole Egg
2  Egg Yolk
½ Tsp Salt
1 Tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice
½ Tbsp Mustard
½ Tbsp Honey
1 Clove Garlic
2 Cups Light Olive Oil

Place all ingredients except for the Olive Oil into a food processor or blender.
Cut the garlic into small pieces so that it blends well.

Blend well until the mixture foams slightly.

Once all ingredients have been blended, add the Olive Oil slowly, it will thicken as the oil pours in .

Just to mention i did try this recipe with two brands of extra virgin Olive oil and it did not thicken, was green and runny and tasted extremely bitter. Maybe i should try again with more brands to see if i could make it work.

Edit: I have tried more brands of Extra virgin olive oil and i have found a few to work, i mostly use Trader Joes for Mayonnaise as they are milder in flavor and are also affordable.  It takes adjusting to the flavor so you could start by using light and upping the amount of extra virgin as you get used to it. Also i add more honey to counteract the slightly bitter back taste.

If you don’t want the mayonnaise to be as solid or as high in fat, you can use less of the Olive Oil. It usually thickens more in the fridge.

To add extra flavor to your mayonnaise, you could add another clove of  Garlic, more lemon or honey or some olives for an extra kick. Depending on what you are using it for, adjust to taste.

Keep refrigerated and use within a few days. I typically make this twice a week.